
Useful Links

Weather – Thermal Flying

  • Soaring Forecast – Stable or unstable day? We like negative numbers!
  • Winds aloft – Too windy? The less the better. 9900 means light and variable.
  • Airport 2 Conditions – Pressure too high? Altimeter under 30.10 is good.
  • XCSkies soaring forecast tools – Where is the air rising? Check it out and subscribe!
  • TFR’s – Is there a fire nearby, or Pres. Obama coming to town? Don’t forget to check the Temporary Flight Restrictions!

Weather – Big Picture

  • Forecaster reasoning behind Utah forecast – Is a front coming? Where is it? This will tell you!
  • Intellicast current winds – The more blue the better, green and yellow are bad.
  • Intellicast windcast – Will tomorrow be windy? Look and see.
  • USAirNet general forecast
  • Weather Underground general forecast
  • Salt Lake City Radar – Monsoon season? Better look at this before you fly.
  • Satelite Images – water vapor is my favorite view, it shows the lows and highs really well.
  • Going to the point?:
  • XCSkies Meso station map
  • NOAA’s Meso station map – My Favorite
  • Airport 2 Conditions – If it is reporting something like 340 @ 8 then the Northside is on! Anything over 12mph is strong, and anything less than 8 may mean you need to hike to the top in order to stay up. DO NOT hike to the top if people are staying up on the lower bench and Airport #2 is reporting anything over 7mph.
  • Mesowest station UTALP – This station is the best for forecasting South Side flying conditions. If it is reporting 8mph gusting to 12mph that is perfect for soaring. Anything higher is considered “strong”, anything lower is considered “light”. Training can still occur on strong and light days, there is almost always something we can work on. Light days are great for getting many flights in from the top of the hill and practicing spot landings. Strong days are good for practicing kiting skills at the bottom of the hill or reverse launches from the side of the hill.




  • Para2000 – A great paraglider database…look up stats on any paraglider ever made!
  • Paragliding Forum – A great source for info on various paragliding topics, look and see what everyone is saying about the latest gear, or post your own questions!
  • Utah Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association
  • Utah Hang Gliding Paragliding Association membership form
  • FAA Sectional Airspace Maps
  • United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association
  • Airport #2 Phone Number – 801-562-0271 This is a great resource for forecasting the afternoon north wind for the North Side during the warmer months. This takes some practice to pick out the information that is useful. The computer generated voice will say a lot of stuff you may not understand, and if you miss the wind the first time its okay because it loops over and over again so just keep listening. You want to hear “wind, 340 at 8”, this means that the wind is coming from the northwest at 8 knots, which is perfect. Anything higher than 8 is considered “strong” and anything less than 8 is “light”. Strong days can turn out great with a little patience, it often lightens up near dusk. On light days, driving or hiking up to the top can yield fantastic uncrowded flights.)