

Full P2 Certification Course - $200/lesson

$1600 and up for full P1/P2 Course (THE PRICE OF $2,000 GETS YOU 10 LESSONS, THE PRICE OF $1,600 IS 8 LESSONS AND FULFILLS THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE P2 RATING) Please read on for clarification…

You get what you pay for.

Product Description

With our program you can pay per lesson as you progress. Each lesson is $200 and about 2 to 3 hours long. The United States Hang Gliding Paragliding Association has outlined the requirements necessary for certification. We have found that it takes the average person about 10 to 15 lessons to finish all of the requirements competently. Some people are able to finish more quickly and others need more assistance. So, we have structured our program so that you just pay for what you need. On one hand, you may be able to finish the course in 10 lessons or less. On the other hand, you may want more lessons so that you are a more proficient pilot. The more time you spend with us, the better and safer of a paraglider pilot you will become. Also, some people enjoy taking extra lessons because it is so much fun. When conditions permit, we often fly and train at other locations as well. The pilots who stick with us longer, soon build up an impressive list of various places they have flown. So, you will get what you pay for. You can either pay for the minimum and do the minimum requirements, or pay for more lessons and get more experience. Once you have paid for 10 lessons, the price per lesson drops to $150 a lesson.  Enjoy progressing at your own pace. Come out when your schedule allows, there is no worry of a time limit.


DISCLAIMER: The United States Hang Gliding Paragliding Association (USHPA) has recently increased the minimum requirements for the P2 rating. Now instead of needing 5 different flying days, you need 7 days and instead of a minimum of 25 flights, you need 35 flights. This is a good thing, as we always felt that those numbers were really minimal for acquiring proficiency. However, our students generally graduated with more than that many flying days and flights anyways.  So, now the quickest you can finish the course in is 7 days. We average about 5 flights per lesson. Sometimes we can get up to 10 flights or more in a lesson if the conditions are ideal. Sometimes we only get in one flight in a lesson, but the flight time was maybe 2 hours long. Sometimes the wind is not cooperating and we cannot fly. So please keep in mind that lesson productivity is directly correlated to the wind conditions. Some days are super productive and some days are not. Another requirement is to have finished 8 hours of classroom style ground school. We have now made this portion of the course an online class where you can log in and complete it at your own pace, even before you arrive, if you are coming from out of town. It is a series of educational modules, where you can watch a video then take a quiz at the end to test your comprehension on that given topic. The online ground school portion of the course is considered one lesson at $200. So, if you are a quick learner and take one lesson each day for 7 days and finish the ground school, then the very least you could finish the course in is 8 lessons at $200 each equaling $1,600. Of course, the more you train, the safer and better a pilot you will become, so it is in your best interest to become a proficient pilot, not just a pilot that checked all the boxes on the check off list. When the conditions are good, it may surprise you how quickly you can finish the check off list of requirements and be “finished on paper”. It is completely another matter to be a good, safe skillful pilot that can launch, fly and land safely without any help. We like to help our students to get to this point. Lastly, we kindly ask that you respect our flexible program and not pressure the instructors into finishing as quickly as possible, even though that is the idea and the goal for some people who are only with us for a limited time. We understand that many people travel great distances and invest a lot of time, money and effort to be here with us. So, we will always do our best to maximize and fly and train as much as possible given the conditions.  It is in everyone’s best interest to be careful, cautious and safe and only fly when it is appropriate. The number one thing you will learn paragliding is patience… patience with yourself, your instructor and the weather. But with patience you will reap the reward of some amazing flying experiences and your life will never be the same. Upon landing after an epic flying session, people will often confess that it was the best experience of their life.

  • Each lesson is $200.
  • After paying $2,000, then lessons are only $150 each if further instruction is desired.
  • Online ground school portion of the course is considered one lesson at $200.
  • After all certification requirements are met field trips to other sites are only $200.
  • No time limit.
  • Flight log and all necessary training equipment provided.
  • Can pay per lesson, in installments, or all at once.
  • Tandem flights included in training.
  • Discount tandems for family and friends: $150 instead of $200.
  • Flights from multiple sites, when conditions permit.


What will the P1/P2 certification course get me? Utah Paragliding’s program is structured to allow you to pay for and take HOWEVER MANY LESSONS YOU NEED in order to achieve all P-2 requirements, with NO TIME LIMIT. All equipment is provided. It takes the average person about 10 to 15 lessons to work their way down the certification checklist. Many of our local students finish their P-2 training with almost enough flights and hours for a P-3 rating. We are never in a hurry to kick you out of the nest. However, some people are in a hurry. So, folks who travel from out of town to learn here, or even locals who want to learn fast have the option to just pay per lesson. Progress is made so much more quickly when lessons are attended consecutively so as much as possible, it is best to not take long breaks between lessons. But if that happens, then it is okay since there is no time limit to finish the certification in. No equipment purchase is required for lessons. Training occurs on the school’s gear. Utah Paragliding sells Skywalk paragliders. Skywalk is our favorite brand out there. However, we realize that there are other great brands as well, so if you would like another brand that is totally fine. We can get any brand, so please just let us know and we can make it happen.  We do our best to keep demo gliders on hand for you to try. But it is very difficult to keep every make in every size and color combination in stock; there are just too many options. So please be aware that it may take a few weeks to a few months to get your new glider after ordering it, as we order each glider upon demand. During peak season sometimes it may take a long time, because gliders sell out and factories get backed up. So, it pays to plan ahead and order early as soon as you know what you would like. In the meantime while waiting for orders to arrive, we are very good about keeping you in the air on school gear. In the past this has generally been a non-issue for students. Memberships with the UHGPGA (Utah Hang Gliding Paragliding Association) and USHPA (United States Hang Gliding Paragliding Association) are both encouraged for flying at the Point of the Mountain. Prospective pilots will be responsible for joining these organizations.

Book now: 801-368-5139

Reach out with any questions. Call or text anytime.